STUD (Student Engagement for Peer Empowerment & Community Development)
Project Launch: 12-8-17
In many countries, civic engagement constitutes an important aspect of the education system. In Haiti, unfortunately, teaching methods focus more on theories in the classroom and fail to involve students in real world activities that allow them to address problems in their communities. ACTIVEH believes that the student body, with its energy and passion, constitutes an important force of change for Haiti if properly engaged.
This pilot project will mobilize 50 university students mainly from the fields of environment, education, and social sciences to establish 15 ecological clubs within 15 schools in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince. After receiving training to develop their skills, students will work with schoolchildren from eight to seventeen years of age to transfer important knowledge related to citizenship, civic values, and the preservation of the environment. Club monitors will organize a number of activities such as documentary presentations, conferences, environmental contests, community cleaning activities, and ecological excursions to foster positive waste management practices, encourage biodiversity conservation, and develop the spirit of good citizenry and civic responsibility.
Project Update: 6-29-18
More than 450 school students were registered and are actively participating in meetings and activities within 9 ecological clubs. 60 university students were selected as volunteer animators for the ecological clubs. Volunteers will now be assigned to schools to work more closely with the youth-led clubs.
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