Keep All Mothers Alive Project 2019
Project Launch: 1-3-20
In Lagos, eclampsia is now the leading cause of death among pregnant women. These deaths are due to delay in identification, diagnosis, transfer, and treatment. The Girsaide Initiative is launching a four year project called Keep All Mothers Alive (KAMA). Phase one will be launched with this grant over the course of one year. In this phase, the plan is to train 40 Traditional Birth Attendants and Rural Health Workers to identify and diagnose women at risk of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. These medical professionals will link women who need additional care to obstetricians and midwives at bigger hospitals. Additionally, the first year of the project will include education and screening of 500 pregnant women for the hypertensive disorders from geographical areas with highest maternal mortalities. 500 KAMA mini urinalysis kits and 40 sphygmomanometers (blood pressure measuring machines) will be strategically distributed to health clinics. In the long run, the Girlsaide Initiative intends to reach 1,000,000 pregnant women and 5,000 Traditional Birth Attendants and Community Healthcare Workers within 48 months to strengthen their capacity to prevent and manage the disease.
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