Conociendo Nuestro Pasado, Aprendiendo Nuestro Presente
Project Launch: 3-21-17
Los Robles, Nicaragua has a team of community health workers that are an integral part of the communities’ overall health. The team is dedicated to providing preventative health education as well as basic medications and first aid. Through this World Connect grant, the community plans to establish a library with health-related resources that can be used by health volunteers. The library will give health volunteers the opportunity to check out health education and teaching materials, which they can share with the health center and the community. This library will also be accessible to the entire community as a way of engaging families in lifetime learning. This library is an opportunity to promote youth education and reading skills as they will obtain books for all ages. This project will strengthen the quality and reach of care in Los Robles. World Connect is not fundraising for this project at the request of or on behalf of Peace Corps.
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