The Green Women Project; Renovation of Kpatili Shea Butter processing centre
Project Launch: 11-1-23
The Kpatili Women's Group seeks an Co-investment from World Connect and its community to renovate the Kpatili shea processing center which was built in the early 1990s using mud. The structure, which is now in a dilapidated state, has poor lighting and ventilation due to lack of windows and weak and cracked walls that attract reptiles during the rainy season. The project will strengthen the weakened walls, install new windows and floor to enable it to accommodate the pressure of three grinding machines. The success of this project will motivate the 50 members of the women group to produce 20 tones of shea butter to upset the current annual output of twelve tones per year which will boost group sales. Additionally, the project will provide a refresher training to the women on environmental conservation, collection, storage and treatment of shea nuts to meet international standards.
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