Piggery Farming in Gambiriro and Murambi Villages
Project Launch: 5-8-19
In Gambiriro and Murambi, Rwanda, 90% of community members support themselves through agricultural activities.The Duterimbere Cooperative aims to improve soil productivity and diversify their income streams through a piggery project. Through this World Connect grant, 100 participants will receive pigs. By the five month mark, the pigs are expected to more than double in population size, at which point other families will receive new piglets. The manure from the pigs will be used as fertilizer to improve the crop yeild across the community. Some pigs will be sold as an additional income generating activity. The piggery project will create manure for the community farmers while generating additional income for the farmers through the sale of its pigs. With more income and stronger crop yields, families plans to reduce malnutrition and improve community welfare.
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