Kwameseikrom Library and Computer Lab Project
Project Launch: 12-13-17
Kwameseikrom is a rural, agrarian community in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana. For the past two years the community members, elders, chief and the community's Queen Mother have been passionate about their goal of creating the villages first public library and computer lab. Construction of the building began in early 2016, yet stalled due to limited financial resources. Recently, the Queen Mother, chief, and elders have helped raise local funds complete the construction of the building. Even with this community contribution, they still need assistance to finance the project.
The students and community members of Kwameseikrom are hungry to learn, yet do not have simple resources available to them such as books, computers, or a quiet place to study. The completion of the library and computer lab will enable them to enjoy a safe atmosphere to study, attend daily reading sessions, and take part in weekly computer trainings.
Project Update: 7-23-18
The construction of the Kwameseikrom Library and Computer Lab is nearly complete. The local mason has constructed all of the walls using cement blocks, created spaces for the windows and doors, built support columns in the front of the building, and has plastered 90% of the walls. The local carpenter has built the interior structure of the roof and used alum zinc roofing sheets to cover the building.
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