Building Latrines in Rincon Claro
Project Launch: 10-11-16
In collaboration with the local health clinic and community health promoters, this project will improve hygiene and sanitation in Rincon Claro, a small community in Monte Plata Province, by constructing simple pit latrines at 16 households. Participating families will complete a series of sanitation and hygiene courses, where they will learn about disease transmission, the importance of hand washing, and how to properly maintain and clean the latrines.
Progress Update: 4/4/2017
2 latrines have been completed with 3 more in progress. All 16 households have participated in a health and sanitation course and have learned new practices regarding hygiene, sanitation, and prevention of disease. At least 10 individuals have been volunteer assistant laborers and have assisted the mason in latrine construction. These family laborers are currently learning about latrine maintenance and repair.
"Working on this project has been rewarding. Participating in a community-driven project has shown me the potential my community has. There hasn't been difficulties amongst the people building the latrines and the families. The community contribution has far-exceeded what I had planned. I'm glad to be a part of this." - Hope, Peace Corps Volunteer
"The families are very content and the security in health and tranquility this project provides' I'd like to give thanks and warmness to the donors of this project and helping us avoid these diseases." - Dr. Jorge Ramirez-Ortiz, Project Leader
"I'm thoroughly happy. I didn't have a proper place before. This is changed my life completely. 100%! I'm indebted to the organizations that have helped make this possible." - Hildrabella, Project Participant
"This has completely changed the life of my family. I'm 100% satisfied with my latrine. I used to need to run to the neighbor's house to use the bathroom, but now I have a comfortable place to do it. Not to mention having a cleaner household so that my kids don't get sick." - Mercedes, Project Participant
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