Uchembere Wabwino ndi Moyo Wathanzi Project
Project Launch: 9-5-22
Community Forum (COFO) will use a $7,499.31 grant to construct an Under-five Clinic in Kueza community in the Traditional Authority Chapananga, Chikwawa district. The aim is to improve access to health services for women and under-five children. The services provided at the clinic will include growth monitoring, immunization, family planning, health education, prenatal and postnatal care, disease surveillance, and minor disease treatment. Community members have been traveling a distance of not less than 20km to the nearest health center to receive medical care. With this new clinic, over 1500 households from the community will be able to enjoy a reduced distance to health care.
Project Update: 11-9-22
Community Forum organization and community members of Kueza in Chikwawa district are constructing Kueza community under-five clinic with funding from World Connect. Three months after receiving the initial 60% of the grant funds, construction progressed from foundation to gable level. The community has already purchased cement, doors, window frames, and door frames ready for completing the structure. Once the clinic is completed, over 1500 households are expected to enjoy a reduction in the distance to the nearest under five clinic.
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