Technological Improvement of Nicaraguan English Classroom
Project Launch: 2-2-18
The Muy Muy English Teachers Group is seeking to purchase and install a projector in the Foreign Language classroom of Instituto Nacional Padre Jose Bartocci (INPJB) in Muy, Muy, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. It is unusual in Nicaraguan public schools to see dedicated subject classrooms. Students stay in one classroom and the teachers move each period to another classroom. This can be difficult especially for a foreign language classroom where permanent visual aids and manipulables are necessary. This past school year, an English-only classroom was created and then improved with community support through local fundraising. The classroom was painted, locks installed and it was modified to create a permanent display wall for student grammar/vocabulary reminders and posters to promote more English spoken in the classroom. This project will complete the classroom, providing a vital technology resource for English teachers in Muy Muy to increase the amount of communicative methodologies used in class, to streamline lesson planning and to make classroom materials more manipulative and interactive, with the overall goal of increasing student comprehension and fluency in the English classroom.
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