Initial Start-up Dairy Plant Project for the Cattle Farmers of Guayabillas Community (Proyecto Inicial de Arranque de la Planta de Lácteos de los Ganaderos de la Comunidad de Guayabillas)
Year: 2024
Country: Ecuador
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $5,100.00
Project Launch: 10-1-24
This project will scale an established, environmentally-conscious cattle ranchers' association through the creation of a yogurt and cheese production plant. The project will focus on start-up investment purchases for the dairy processing equipment and necessary materials. The project prioritizes young and older women gaining skills to lead and manage the processing facility, with a primary goal of creating sources of work for both women and youth. Yogurt and cheese will include special flavors that showcase the subtropical, exotic fruits of the region.