Community Health Clinic in Cruce de Arroyo Hondo Expansion
Project Launch: 12-1-15
The project will support the work of El Comite de Salud del Cruce de Arroyo Hondo, a community organization that seeks to address the health needs of residents of Arroyo Hondo, a small community that previously lacked a hospital. Residents, particularly those in the outlying areas, had to travel great distances to reach healthcare to respond to acute and chronic illnesses. The committee will conduct home visits and checkups to ensure that all residents in the village live healthy, productive lives and operate a local clinic to supplement medical response in the municipality.
Project Update: 5-2-16
The outlying clinic has conducted home visits that have reached over 200 individuals in the community each month, responding to cases of dengue, Zika, respiratory ailments, complicated pregnancies, diabetes, and other illnesses. Referrals were made to the newly established local hospital when patients' condition required follow-up treatment.
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