Manara Academy
"Hello my name is Malak and I am a 6th grader at Manara Academy in Irving,Texas. I joined this World Connect club because I wanted to dig deeper behind world history. But once I was informed that this club would help people in need, I thought this was amazing. I don't just get to dig deeper in the world; I get to help people in need. This is a wonderful experience to help the people of the world. So far it is just Mr. Lubos and I but he said it does not matter how many people join, it matters if we make a difference and I am glad that we are doing this club. The project we have chosen was the Katote health hut revitalization project. We picked this project because I wanted health and Mr. Lubos wanted education. This project contains both education and health." - Malak, Student Leader
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Wayland High School
Location: Wayland, Massachusetts
Type: Public High School
Fun Fact: Personal and civic responsibility, love of learning, and empathy f... ...Learn more
Miss Hall's School
This is the first year that Miss Hall's School, an all-girls boarding and day school in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, is participating in the Kids Connect program. As an all-girls ... ...Learn more
Horace Mann High School: Bake Sale and Bracelet Fundraiser
The Horace Mann High School started its first project with World Connect this past year. The chapter wanted to select a project that would focus on women and girls, while still benefitting the communi... ...Learn more
Clarksburg High School
This is the second year that Clarksburg High School is participating in the Kids Connect Program. Previously, the female dominant chapter in Maryland chose to support a women's ... ...Learn more