The Brearley School
The Brearley School is an all-girls private school in Manhattan, New York. For their first time participating in our Kids Connect program, students decided to support our Secondary School Dormitories project, which built a dormitory at a secondary school in Tanzania, providing a safe place for students to stay overnight. Without the dormitory, students had to walk an average of 1 hour and 30 minutes on unmarked and dangerous paths. To support the project, students at Brearley held a class carnival where they raised an amazing $7,000 in support of students in Tanzania, a new record for our Kids Connect program!
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Wayland High School Concert Fundraiser
The Wayland High School Kids to Kids Club took on the task of organizing a huge, town-wide fundraiser for World Connect in the Spring of 2011. We initially came up with the idea to have a concert f... ...Learn more

Newton North High School: Bake Sale Fundraiser
At the beginning of our junior year in high school, five of us decided we wanted to start a club that would work to help others. We were thrilled by the idea of connecting with a community in an entir... ...Learn more

Bay View Academy
This is the fifth year that Bay View Academy, an all-girls Catholic school in Rhode Island, is participating in our Kids Connect Program. This year, the students are supporting the Learn more

Holton Arms School
Location: Bethesda, Maryland
Type: Independent Girls' College-preparatory School, 3-12
Fun Fact: Holton-Arms' motto is: Inveniam viam ... ...Learn more